The GERLUMPH datasets


The κ-γ parameter space coverage of the three high resolution GERLUMPH datasets. Computational time on the GPU-Supercomputer for Theoretical Astrophysics Research, gSTAR , has been/will be used mainly through a merit based proposal scheme judged by the Astronomy Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee (ASTAC) which is a committee of Astronomy Australia Ltd, AAL. GERLUMPH Data 1 (GD1), which covers the parameter space with Δκ,Δγ=0.05, has been completed and some first results are presented in Vernardos et al. (2013, submitted). GD2 targets existing macromodels (Bate & Fluke 2012) and GD3 covers large continuous areas of the κ-γ space with a very fine grid (Δκ,Δγ = 0.01).


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GERLUMPH server is online!

Hello world! After almost 2 years from the start of the GPU-Enabled High-Resolution cosmological Micro-Lensing parameter survey (GERLUMPH), we finally have our home on the web! The website is located at:

It was actually quite easy and fast to get a domain name within Swinburne University. However, the actual development and design of the website has been happening in the last 1,5 year. Tools will be made available in time, as they are being finalized. The first GERLUMPH data release, GD1, which consists of 3060 microlensing magnification maps of 100002 resolution, has been completed and will be accessible via the GERLUMPH server in the coming months.

Stay tuned!

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