Magnification Probabilty Distributions (GD1)

This tool shows variations of the magnification probability distribution (MPD) for different smooth matter fractions, s.

For each κ-γ combination selected from GD1 (grey points), there are 11 maps available, with different smooth matter fractions. A number of tools are avaialable:

  • individual magnification probability distributions can be displayed,
  • the mean MPD and standard deviation from GD0 can be also shown, whenever available,
  • probability sums of the MPDs can be calculated,
  • the probability sum over a given magnification value can be plotted as a function of s.
Selected maps can be further examined by a direct database query, using the "get maps" link.

κ, γ = (,)

κ, γ = (,)
» get maps

Calculate sums
log μ/μth
log P

Your position on κ,γ parameter space.

The selected nearest κ,γ value from GD1.

Set the number of bins used to generate the MPDs.

Maximum limit 400 bins

The contour levels to draw (log P).

Has to be a list of coma separated negative numbers.

Cruise in κ,γ parameter space and select values from the GD1 dataset.

Query the database for selected κ,γ values (opens the main query tool).

Calculate the sum of probability, ΣP, for the selected MPDs.

Use the slider, or type a value in the box below, to set the sum limit, μlim.

ΣP for μ<μlim is shown in light blue
ΣP for μ>μlim is shown in light red

Plot the mean MPD and standard deviation from GD0, if available.

Plot a parameter space property in the background.

An explanation for each background can be found here

The mean MPD and standard deviation from GD0, whenever available.

The relative values of
ΣPlow and ΣPhigh as a function of s.

The smooth matter fraction, s.