The GELUMPH Interactive Microlensing Lightcurve Extraction Tool

The main functions of this tool are:

  • to load and display high resolution light curves from the GERLUMPH database,
  • to allow interactive low resolution light curve extraction (drag the blue and red circles),
  • to demonstrate the effects of light curve sampling.

The user can select different profiles for which to load light curves for. These profiles are then convolved with the displayed map. A different map can be loaded from the GERLUMPH database, but without necessarily having precomputed high resolution light curves. The map caustics can be highlighted using different colors.

If this is your first time using this tool, it is recommended to enable the help text from the bottom right.

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Control how the light curves are plotted.

High resolution

Low resolution

System parameters

Profile properties

x1015 cm
x1015 cm

Matching profile

x1015 cm
x1015 cm

Drag the profile. Advanced profile modeling and real-time convolution with the map are currently disabled.

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θ (incl.):




Insert different values of the κ,γ,s parameters and hit "Go".

Change the color scheme of the magnification map.

Drag and modify the interactive light curve trajectory.

Interactive (low resolution) and database (high resolution) light curve data.

Control the light curve data: display and plotting properties, the value of the REin, and the size of the source profile.

Select a different magnification map from the GERLUMPH database, based on its κ,γ, and s parameters.

Create a source profile interactively (low resolution only).

Change the colors of the map caustics.

There are 2000 precomputed light curves available per map. Type in an integer from 1 to 2000 to select one.

Click to randomly select a precomputed light curve.

Overlay and compare the low resolution interactive light curve with the high resolution one from the database.

Constrain the length of the low resolution interactive light curve.

Set a value for the effective velocity of the source.

Set a value for the time interval between hypothetical observations of the light curves.

Set a value for the Einstein radius.

Set a size for the source profile (a 2D Gaussian distribution).

The profile properties defined by the user will be scaled and matched to the available precomputed results (see Vernardos et al., 2015).

A list of predefined color tables.

Click to change color, position the color on the colorbar (0 - 1), or remove the color.

Add a new random color to the end of the colorbar.

Reset the colorbar to default colors.

Reverse the order of the colors.

Slide the arrows to change the color bar.